
Table of contents

Color schemes

Dokumentaro includes two color schemes: light (default), and dark.

To enable a color scheme, set the site.color_scheme variable in wmk_config.yaml.

Use the color switcher at the top right to switch between them and set your preference. It can be disabled by setting site.color_scheme_switcher to false.

Custom schemes

Define a custom scheme

You can add custom schemes. This involves adding a set of CSS variables scoped to a body class with the same name as the new scheme. For reference, here is the SCSS code for the dark color scheme (from _vars.scss):

body.dark {
  --base-button-color: #{$grey-dk-250};
  --body-background-color: #{$blackish};
  --body-heading-color: #{$grey-lt-000};
  --body-text-color: #{$grey-lt-300};
  --border-color: #{$grey-dk-200};
  --btn-hover-color: #{color.adjust($blue-000, $lightness: -2%, $space: hsl)};
  --btn-outline-hover-color: #{color.adjust($blue-000, $lightness: -4%, $space: hsl)};
  --btn-primary-color: #{$blue-200};
  --feedback-color: #{color.adjust($grey-dk-300, $lightness: -3%, $space: hsl)};
  --feedback-color-lighter: #{rgba(color.adjust($grey-dk-300, $lightness: -3%, $space: hsl), 0.8)};
  --link-color: #{$blue-000};
  --nav-child-link-color: #{$grey-dk-000};
  --sidebar-color: #{$grey-dk-300};
  --table-background-color: #{$grey-dk-250};
  --table-td-border-bottom-color: rgba($grey-dk-200, 0.5);

You may also wish to add settings for .btn-primary in the new color scheme code as well - see _buttons.scss for the corresponding setting for the dark theme.

The most natural way to define the theme is by overriding assets/scss/d9o.scss with content such as the following:

@use "vars";
@use "mixins";
// Custom variables go here

@use "all";

body.myschema {
  --base-button-color: #{vars.$grey-lt-100};
  // ... The other CSS variables go here ...
  .btn-primary {
    @include mixins.btn-color(vars.$white, $my-primary-color);

For modularity, you can put your changes into separate files and @use them in your custom version of d9o.scss.

Use a custom scheme

After having created a custom color scheme, you can use it by setting the site.color_scheme variable to your chosen name.

  color_scheme: foo

Override SCSS

Dokumentaro's SCSS makes use of the Dart Sass module system.

As seen above, the easiest way to override or extend Dokumentaro's SCSS is to create a new file named d9o.scss in your project's assets/scss/ directory. It should contain the line @use "all";, with your customizations either above or below (or both). If you intend to change variable settings, you should do that before the @use "all"; line, while any new class definitions should be placed below. A simple example:

@use "vars" with (
  $header-height: 4rem,
  $content-width: 55rem,
  $nav-width: 18rem
@use "mixins";

@use "all";

.shout-louder {
  width: 90%;
  max-width: 30rem;
  padding: 1rem;
  background: var(--feedback-color);
  border: 2px solid var(--border-color);
  margin: 2rem auto;
  @include mixins.fs-5;
  @include {
     @include mixins.fs-6;
  .title {
     margin: 0 0 1em 0;
     @include mixins.fs-8;
     @include {
       @include mixins.fs-10;

Custom TOC Heading

The file templates/base/ can be overridden to change the heading for the links to child pages shown below the main body of the page. By default, this text is More information.

The file templates/base/ can be overridden to change the content appearing at the bottom of every page's main content. See also Configuration - Footer content.

Custom Head

Any HTML added to the file templates/base/ will be inserted before the closing <head> tag.

Custom Header

Content added to templates/base/ appears at the top of every page's main content between the site search and auxiliary links (if they are enabled) or theme switcher (if they are not). If site.search_enabled and site.color_scheme_switcher were set to false and site.aux_links not set, the content of would expand to occupy the entire space to the right of the site name/logo.

Any content added to the file templates/base/ will appear at the bottom left of the page below the site's navigation. By default an attribution to Dokumentaro is displayed here.

Custom Search Placeholder

The search placeholder can be set via the site.search_placeholder configuration variable. By default it is Search this website.

Custom layouts


Creating custom layouts allows you to change most aspects of Dokumentaro's functionality. This requires some Python and/or Mako knowledge.

Having created a new layout, you would select it in the frontmatter of the relevant pages, or perhaps in content/index.yaml, in order to make it the default layout for all pages.